As I have continued travelling in Europe I have really enjoyed getting a taste of the flavour of the energy in the different cities I have been visiting. The activities of people can significantly change the energy where they live. Off course this is partly caused by construction of roads, infrastructure and all sorts of buildings, and art, but also simply by how people live. The combined energy of people living together in an area can make long term changes to the energy there.
In my experience so far, no two cities are exactly alike. Each has its own character to its energy. There are certainly similarities between some, but each is still individual.
I was actually discussing this with someone that I was visiting, as she was asking about the energy of her city. I did my best to describe it, but aspects were quite hard to put into words. I think in many ways it is best to just taste and experience the flavour for yourself – but it takes quite a lot of practice and experience to gain a level of awareness where you can truly feel and understand the energy of a place. I think it would be great if more people did though. Perhaps if this was the case, a language would develop around describing the energy of the earth in different places. A bit like the language that has developed around tasting wine or smelling perfumes. To the inexperienced the terminology can sometimes seem obscure, maybe they just like or don’t like a flavour, but to the connoisseur the specialized terms are useful for communicating the subtle aspects experienced.
Maybe I could make a start on this by writing descriptions of the energy in the different cities I visit? The language might be awkward and imprecise to begin with, but with practice it could become more refined.