Amazing Find – Figure of Eight Vortex – Boulder Colorado

I had a bit of spare time between commitments as I was driving west through the United States, so decided to take a little break from driving and meet up with some qigong students in Colorado.

While here I wanted to get a taste of the natural environment, so I looked up some local parks to visit. First I went to a park that had a beautiful vista of some of the mountains here. I went for a walk and did some qigong near the base of the mountains.  The air was clean and fresh and the energy from the mountains was invigorating. I still had a bit more free time, so I looked up another park to visit.  I chose Settler’s Park right beside downtown Boulder.

I should have know something was different here as when I first started to make my way up the hill it took me three tries to climb up over a simple rocky incline, I almost fell over. Something had thrown my centre of gravity right off.  I thought it was unusual, but just carried on thinking maybe it was due to having spent so much time sitting driving in a car lately.

People taking photos on top of the rocks.

As I climbed the hill the rock formations became more and more spectacular. There were lots of people visiting the rocks, climbing on them, and taking photos. I climbed up on some of the tallest rocks myself to look around and take some photos.

As I was climbing I noticed the current of earth energy was quite strong. I could both feel and see the energy flowing and swirling around the rocks. From a high vantage point I looked around the rock formation. With all this energy flowing, surely there must be one or several vortexes in the area. It has all the right characteristics. The red rocks are similar to the ones you find in Sedona, Arizona, and the formations are in between several valleys running down from the mountains, channeling the energy.

Looking out to the valley from the rocks.

I looked in one spot and then another, and the energy came in and formed an eddy in various spots, but never quite a full vortex. I was puzzled. Why was the energy so strong if there was no vortex present? Finally as I continued to explore the rock formations I came to the spot between the two large rocky promontories and it dawned on me… The energy was flowing in a figure of eight between the two rocky outcrops. So its structure was quite different to anything I had encountered before.

I have come across much more sophisticated energy patterns that have been cultivated at ancient sites before, but never a naturally occuring figure of eight vortex like this. The two counter flows of each side of the figure of eight balance each other out, so it is not as obvious to find as a normal straight circular vortex. Also the eddies of energy were acting as resistance and slowing down the overall flow of energy through the figure of eight, so its structure was not immediately obvious.

This figure of eight structure has great potential for healing and self development use. The figure of eight pattern can be used to harmonize the two sides of the body and brain. Often people find that they have a left/right imbalance. All of their problems occur down one side of their body, sometimes their body even looks quite physically different on one side from the other. On another level, some people find that they get stuck being too creative and not practical enough (right brained), or they are very logical but have a hard time tapping into creativity (left brained). Spending time in the energy of the figure of eight vortex could be very useful in balancing the left and right energies in the body, the yin and the yang. Helping to resolve weakness or excessive strength in one side of the body, helping the creative person to have the practicality to actually successfully put into action their creative ideas, and help the logical person to see new creative ways to do things in their life.

While I was there I did a little work to smooth out the energy flow and stabilize it a little. Essentially guiding the energy to flow more in its main direction of flow and not eddy so much, so the main flow becomes stronger. It took quite a bit of work, scrambling over uneven rocky and gravelly ground, but it was fun. This should make it easier for other sensitive people to find the vortex in the future and experience its benefits.

Uneven ground beside the rocks

You may notice that I have provided a lot more specific details about this vortex than I have about some of the other energetically significant sites I have visited. Sometimes I try to shield the location of a site, because I feel like it is best kept as something for the local people to find and know about. Sometimes having lots of people coming to visit a place can spoil its character to some extent.

But… and this is where I might sound  a little crazy… especially if you know that when I teach qigong I always try to teach in a way that everything is explained in easily understood scientific terms. This aspect of working with the energy is really not so easy to verify or explain in scientific terms, because consciousness is not well understood or describable scientifically. When I work with the energy I communicate with it. I have found that the earth is alive and has a consciousness like other living things. Working with the energy at the figure of eight vortex I found that it was happy to be found and recognized, and happy for other people to know about it as well.  A lot of people already come to visit these rock formations, letting people know about the energetic properties of this area won’t make a big difference to that, but it will mean that more people understand what they experience while they are there, and respect it, and benefit from it.

So… specifically, if you want to find this vortex: Just park at the parking lot for Settler’s Park, Boulder Colorado. It is at the top of Pearl St, just off Boulder Canyon Drive. Walk straight up the hill past several smaller rock formations, and you will find two really big ones right next to each other at the top of the hill.

Looking up to the top of the hill

This is where the vortex is. The vortex’s field effect is quite far reaching, but because of the way the two sides of the figure of eight balance each other, the strong flows of energy can mainly be felt quite close to the rock formations. Probably the most interesting spot is between the two rock formations where the figure of eight crosses over. Try standing here and see if you can feel the flows crossing one another!

One of the channels the energy flows through between the two rock formations.

If you visit this remarkable natural vortex I would be interested to hear your experience. Maybe leave a comment, or send me and email 🙂

Site Visit – mini vortexes

So a friend of mine has been looking at properties for a healing and meditation centre, and invited me to go and have a look at one of the possible sites to see what I thought of it.

The site has a lot of potential. There were a few small areas where the energy was stagnating, and a couple of areas where disruptive energy from the external environment was affecting the quality of the energy. But all of these could be quite easily remedied.  What was really interesting was that there were two tiny little vortexes on the property. Very weak, barely discernible, but enough that with a little work and cultivation they could supply some truly magical energy to the place.

I was quite surprised to find them, because these sorts of vortexes are not very common at all. What’s more I had found a similar small vortex on another property in the same general area previously (maybe a half hour drive away). Maybe there is something unusual about this energy. I would be fascinated to explore it further and see just how common these little vortexes are there.

Damaged Vortex :(

Recently on my travels I was passing through some areas in the middle of the United States that I had never been to before, teaching qigong workshops. By chance in one of the towns I was visiting, someone mentioned that they had heard there was a vortex in another nearby town.

It was interesting because several people had told me they had mixed feelings about the town, and that they didn’t feel fully at ease with the place, even though it is a tourist spot. Some feel physically ill when they are there.  Another person I talked to said they had heard there was a vortex there, but they hadn’t managed to find it themselves. So I wasn’t expecting much, but my teaching schedule allowed me to make a very quick trip out to this town between workshops, so I thought I might as well go and have a look, as I always enjoy finding and interacting with different earth energy features.

I googled the town before I headed out to see what I could find about the vortex and where I should be looking. When I arrived I found the vortex ok, exactly where someone had said it would be on a webpage I looked at. But it was immediately apparent why other people had a hard time finding it. The vortex was badly damaged. It’s structure was weak, it wafted from place to place, coming apart and then pulling itself together. Sometimes its energy came through strong – if still erratic, and then it would die down to nothing.

It was quite sad to see the vortex in this condition. I stabilized it while I was there and got it steady and strong. But when I left, I knew it wouldn’t last. The vortex still has the potential to be a powerful and healthy force in the town, but to stay strong and healthy the whole area it is in would need to be rebuilt. It is in a shoddy and poorly designed concrete park… a lot of this would need to be ripped up and redesigned in a more harmonious way. This would be a real benefit to the town. The town is struggling a bit at the moment, and a healthy vortex acts as a draw to people. Whether they are consciously aware of it or not they feel different about being near the vortex. At the moment… well like I mentioned earlier, in its current state the vortex is more a liability than an asset. It makes some people feel unwell.

It would take a pretty enlightened town government get behind a project like that though… or maybe a group of concerned citizens. Maybe one day…

Ancient religious sites. Spectacular energy, or…?

During my travels over the course of this past year I have had the privilege of visiting numerous ancient religious sites around the world. The experience has been… mixed.

At some of the sites there was amazing energy. Energy flows that have clearly been engineered and cultivated to support the purpose of the site and to enrich the experience and lives of those who visited them.

Others have been, well… disappointing. Often people who know that I work with the earth’s energy have asked me about sites that they have some connection with, clearly hopeful that there will be something special about them… and there just hasn’t been.  Often the energy is ‘nice’, and there may be some areas where it is a little stronger than usual… but nothing spectactular, nothing amazing.

What is the common thread… basically the age of the site. Any site that I have visited that is less than 1000 years old – the energy has been unremarkable.  All of the older sites, dating into the 1000’s of years have had amazing energy still present.

Now that is not to say that ALL older sites will have such energy, or ALL newer sites will not. But from my experience there is a clear trend.  It seems that somewhere along the way in humanities more recent history, the awareness of how to work with the earth’s energy in this way has been lost, or at least not valued enough to be included within the construction of these more modern religious sites. Very occasionally the site intellectually pays some kind of homage to the energy of the environment, perhaps being aligned with some movement of the stars or something like that. But the deep connection with cultivated earth energy is missing.

It is a shame, because that experience of a powerful cultivated earth energy, whether they are aware of it or not, can contribute a lot to the experience of all who use such sites, making each visit all the more powerful and memorable.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we were able to reintroduce an awareness and cultivation of such energy into the construction of new sites? Reawaken the old knowledge for our modern usage. It would really make any such site stand out from all other modern ones as it is now so rare. I would love to be involved in projects like that. I think it would be fascinating and rewarding.

Feel free to contact me if you have a project of this sort that you are working on.

The Pyramids of Giza – Egypt

One of the sites I have visited on my recent travels is the Pyramids of Giza. A lot has been written about the pyramids and their energetic effects, but I really wasn’t sure what to expect, as so often these things are commented on as conjecture rather than from a base of actual experience. Often people ‘want’ there to be something special or unusual about a place, so they make up what they want about it rather than recognizing what is actually there. In the end, the only way to actually know is to experience it for yourself.


So I came with an open mind… and WOW – the energy was amazing! The architects of the pyramids had a clear understanding of how to connect with the heavenly energy/energy of the sun and to open its downward flow. There was also a very large field effect that engulfed the whole site. For this reason I expect that most people probably are unaware of the nature of the energy at the pyramids, as when there is a large enough field often it is hard to notice the nature of the energy because it is all around you… it becomes harder to contrast the energy with a more normal energy environment because it surrounds you completely and you may not have noticed yourself entering the field. So I would imagine it mainly those with more experience with earth energy who are able to truly appreciate this remarkable piece of Earth Energy engineering. Of course with guidance others may be able to tune into and recognize this energy as well.

The potential for healing and other application of the energy of the site is significant, and it would be well worth visiting this site with experienced and skilled energy guidance for this purpose.

The Energy Doesn’t Lie

I have had the opportunity to visit some amazing places on my recent travels and to experience to really interesting, unusual and powerful energy in different places. I just thought I would write a quick post about one recent experience.

My local guide took me to a citadel near the city.  Many fortifications were still present, but the inside of the citadel was largely being occupied by gardens and various museums.  It was a very interesting place to visit.

As we came to the part of the citadel that looked out over the current city, there was a clear sense of the energy of a benevolent ruler looking out over the city and managing the affairs of the people. It was almost like being transported back in time to see the city through the benevolent rulers eyes. Til that point, my understanding of the citadel was that it had simply been a military fortification, so I questioned my local guide further on the original use of the site and if the rulers or kings had ever lived there. She again told me that no, it had always just been a military site.

But the energy of the place was clear… so as soon as I got the chance when I got back to our accommodation I double checked with Google – not that google is always right, but I wondered if there was some information that I was missing out on. Google confirmed, the citadel had indeed been the place where the rulers lived for hundreds of years! and it was only more recently that it had become a purely military site.

So when in doubt… sometimes the energy of a place can tell you about its history better than a guide can.

I have many more such experiences, but this is just one that stands out to me, particularly because the energy was so beautiful in that spot. It was wonderful to feel the benevolence of the rulers in this location, when so often this is not the case.


Visit to Stonehenge and Avebury

I had the chance to visit Stonehenge and Avebury today, and I found it deeply deeply inspiring. At Stonehenge the harmonizing effect of the monument on the surrounding environment was remarkable. At Avebury, the application of many of the same principles in a different context was equally impressive and a joy to experience.


I have other insights from my visit, but I think maybe those are kept as my own private insights for now.

Old European Cities – describing the flavours of earth energy

As I have continued travelling in Europe I have really enjoyed getting a taste of the flavour of the energy in the different cities I have been visiting. The activities of people can significantly change the energy where they live. Off course this is partly caused by construction of roads, infrastructure and all sorts of buildings, and art, but also simply by how people live. The combined energy of people living together in an area can make long term changes to the energy there.

In my experience so far, no two cities are exactly alike. Each has its own character to its energy. There are certainly similarities between some, but each is still individual.

I was actually discussing this with someone that I was visiting, as she was asking about the energy of her city. I did my best to describe it, but aspects were quite hard to put into words. I think in many ways it is best to just taste and experience the flavour for yourself – but it takes quite a lot of practice and experience to gain a level of awareness where you can truly feel and understand the energy of a place.  I think it would be great if more people did though. Perhaps if this was the case, a language would develop around describing the energy of the earth in different places. A bit like the language that has developed around tasting wine or smelling perfumes. To the inexperienced the terminology can sometimes seem obscure, maybe they just like or don’t like a flavour, but to the connoisseur the specialized terms are useful for communicating the subtle aspects experienced.

Maybe I could make a start on this by writing descriptions of the energy in the different cities I visit? The language might be awkward and imprecise to begin with, but with practice it could become more refined.


I stopped through Paris on my travels and had the opportunity to do some qigong at different spots around the city, and the energy was… AMAZING! I think perhaps I was so impressed because it is the first really old european city that I have visited so was unfamiliar with some aspects of the quality of the energy. I guess I will see as I continue with my travels.

The energy had an aged quality, but in a good way, like the aging of a good wine or cheese. There was a richness, warmth and strength to the energy, and while it had depth and age, it also had immediacy and vibrancy from the ongoing life and activity in the city.

I was interested as I explored the city though, that there were some places where this energy had been disrupted by some of the things that had been built. They were out of harmony with the energy of the rest of the city, and interrupted the flow. I think these things were well intentioned, and could actually be a benefit to the overall health and vibrancy of the cities energy, but they hadn’t been properly integrated with the rest of the city on an energetic level.

As I contemplated this I thought what an enjoyable and satisfying project it would be to clear the disruption and integrate the energy to enhance the city overall, but I realized that it would be wrong for me to do this without having been commissioned to do so by those with authority over the city (such as the mayor or city council, or whatever the local form of government is, or perhaps even a local business association). I don’t think it is right to interfere with energy without the express wishes and engagement of those with responsibility for it. Perhaps one day in the future I will have such an opportunity. It would be amazing to work on a citywide scale!

Beautiful Energy Pattern in Northern Europe

I am travelling at the moment teaching qigong workshops in different parts of the world, and one of the things that I really enjoy about this travel is getting to taste and interact with the local earth energy in different places I visit.

I had a really amazing experience recently visiting one such place. I am not going to name the location too specifically, as I wouldn’t want to turn one of these special places into somewhere that lots of people come seeking out. I think sometimes these places are best left as somewhere that a few people in the know can be aware of so that they don’t get overrun.

A local in this area had identified a spot as somewhere that there was special energy, perhaps used for rituals by bygone generations.  So we went to visit.

The place wasn’t much to look at, a grove of trees in the middle of a field, with a few rocks scattered about. As I approached though, I got a sense of potential resting below the surface.  I began to connect with the local energy and did some work to activate it. The energy responded quickly and began to flow stronger and stronger.  It was gentle but powerful, a bit like someone being roused from a deep sleep, and then greeting an old friend that they haven’t seen in a long time.

Once I felt the energy was fully activated I took a moment to pause and just enjoy the energy. I was quite surprised by what I found. The energy had a pattern quite unlike anything I had encountered before.  The energy had clearly been cultivated to form a very unique and stable pattern.  What was already a place of naturally powerful earth energy had been further shaped by wise and skillful people in times past so that the energy could be used more effectively for rituals, healing, self cultivation and other purposes.

The energy pattern was quite ornate in way a bit like old scroll work in ancient art. The pattern naturally created areas where the energy was more gentle and suitable for a novice to work with, and other very powerful and concentrated spots which surely would have been reserved for the most experienced practitioners to perform important rituals and healing.

My impression was that the energy was glad to be woken, and glad to be accessed and used for positive purposes by those who understand and respect it.

The person who had led me to this place could feel the change in the energy as I woke it up, and could perceive some aspects of the pattern that was within it, but not all of the details.  I gave him further insight as to the nature of the energy there and also instructions of how he might interact with the energy in the future to benefit both himself and others. I hope that he does so regularly to make good use of this quite remarkable cultivated natural energy point.

Experiencing the energy of this place was one of the highlights of my visit to that part of Europe, and I will carry the knowledge I gained from my interaction with the energy there with me, giving me another level of understanding as I continue to work with the earth energy in different parts of the world.