During my travels over the course of this past year I have had the privilege of visiting numerous ancient religious sites around the world. The experience has been… mixed.
At some of the sites there was amazing energy. Energy flows that have clearly been engineered and cultivated to support the purpose of the site and to enrich the experience and lives of those who visited them.
Others have been, well… disappointing. Often people who know that I work with the earth’s energy have asked me about sites that they have some connection with, clearly hopeful that there will be something special about them… and there just hasn’t been. Often the energy is ‘nice’, and there may be some areas where it is a little stronger than usual… but nothing spectactular, nothing amazing.
What is the common thread… basically the age of the site. Any site that I have visited that is less than 1000 years old – the energy has been unremarkable. All of the older sites, dating into the 1000’s of years have had amazing energy still present.
Now that is not to say that ALL older sites will have such energy, or ALL newer sites will not. But from my experience there is a clear trend. It seems that somewhere along the way in humanities more recent history, the awareness of how to work with the earth’s energy in this way has been lost, or at least not valued enough to be included within the construction of these more modern religious sites. Very occasionally the site intellectually pays some kind of homage to the energy of the environment, perhaps being aligned with some movement of the stars or something like that. But the deep connection with cultivated earth energy is missing.
It is a shame, because that experience of a powerful cultivated earth energy, whether they are aware of it or not, can contribute a lot to the experience of all who use such sites, making each visit all the more powerful and memorable.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we were able to reintroduce an awareness and cultivation of such energy into the construction of new sites? Reawaken the old knowledge for our modern usage. It would really make any such site stand out from all other modern ones as it is now so rare. I would love to be involved in projects like that. I think it would be fascinating and rewarding.
Feel free to contact me if you have a project of this sort that you are working on.