I had a bit of spare time between commitments as I was driving west through the United States, so decided to take a little break from driving and meet up with some qigong students in Colorado.
While here I wanted to get a taste of the natural environment, so I looked up some local parks to visit. First I went to a park that had a beautiful vista of some of the mountains here. I went for a walk and did some qigong near the base of the mountains. The air was clean and fresh and the energy from the mountains was invigorating. I still had a bit more free time, so I looked up another park to visit. I chose Settler’s Park right beside downtown Boulder.
I should have know something was different here as when I first started to make my way up the hill it took me three tries to climb up over a simple rocky incline, I almost fell over. Something had thrown my centre of gravity right off. I thought it was unusual, but just carried on thinking maybe it was due to having spent so much time sitting driving in a car lately.

As I climbed the hill the rock formations became more and more spectacular. There were lots of people visiting the rocks, climbing on them, and taking photos. I climbed up on some of the tallest rocks myself to look around and take some photos.
As I was climbing I noticed the current of earth energy was quite strong. I could both feel and see the energy flowing and swirling around the rocks. From a high vantage point I looked around the rock formation. With all this energy flowing, surely there must be one or several vortexes in the area. It has all the right characteristics. The red rocks are similar to the ones you find in Sedona, Arizona, and the formations are in between several valleys running down from the mountains, channeling the energy.

I looked in one spot and then another, and the energy came in and formed an eddy in various spots, but never quite a full vortex. I was puzzled. Why was the energy so strong if there was no vortex present? Finally as I continued to explore the rock formations I came to the spot between the two large rocky promontories and it dawned on me… The energy was flowing in a figure of eight between the two rocky outcrops. So its structure was quite different to anything I had encountered before.
I have come across much more sophisticated energy patterns that have been cultivated at ancient sites before, but never a naturally occuring figure of eight vortex like this. The two counter flows of each side of the figure of eight balance each other out, so it is not as obvious to find as a normal straight circular vortex. Also the eddies of energy were acting as resistance and slowing down the overall flow of energy through the figure of eight, so its structure was not immediately obvious.
This figure of eight structure has great potential for healing and self development use. The figure of eight pattern can be used to harmonize the two sides of the body and brain. Often people find that they have a left/right imbalance. All of their problems occur down one side of their body, sometimes their body even looks quite physically different on one side from the other. On another level, some people find that they get stuck being too creative and not practical enough (right brained), or they are very logical but have a hard time tapping into creativity (left brained). Spending time in the energy of the figure of eight vortex could be very useful in balancing the left and right energies in the body, the yin and the yang. Helping to resolve weakness or excessive strength in one side of the body, helping the creative person to have the practicality to actually successfully put into action their creative ideas, and help the logical person to see new creative ways to do things in their life.
While I was there I did a little work to smooth out the energy flow and stabilize it a little. Essentially guiding the energy to flow more in its main direction of flow and not eddy so much, so the main flow becomes stronger. It took quite a bit of work, scrambling over uneven rocky and gravelly ground, but it was fun. This should make it easier for other sensitive people to find the vortex in the future and experience its benefits.

You may notice that I have provided a lot more specific details about this vortex than I have about some of the other energetically significant sites I have visited. Sometimes I try to shield the location of a site, because I feel like it is best kept as something for the local people to find and know about. Sometimes having lots of people coming to visit a place can spoil its character to some extent.
But… and this is where I might sound a little crazy… especially if you know that when I teach qigong I always try to teach in a way that everything is explained in easily understood scientific terms. This aspect of working with the energy is really not so easy to verify or explain in scientific terms, because consciousness is not well understood or describable scientifically. When I work with the energy I communicate with it. I have found that the earth is alive and has a consciousness like other living things. Working with the energy at the figure of eight vortex I found that it was happy to be found and recognized, and happy for other people to know about it as well. A lot of people already come to visit these rock formations, letting people know about the energetic properties of this area won’t make a big difference to that, but it will mean that more people understand what they experience while they are there, and respect it, and benefit from it.
So… specifically, if you want to find this vortex: Just park at the parking lot for Settler’s Park, Boulder Colorado. It is at the top of Pearl St, just off Boulder Canyon Drive. Walk straight up the hill past several smaller rock formations, and you will find two really big ones right next to each other at the top of the hill.

This is where the vortex is. The vortex’s field effect is quite far reaching, but because of the way the two sides of the figure of eight balance each other, the strong flows of energy can mainly be felt quite close to the rock formations. Probably the most interesting spot is between the two rock formations where the figure of eight crosses over. Try standing here and see if you can feel the flows crossing one another!

If you visit this remarkable natural vortex I would be interested to hear your experience. Maybe leave a comment, or send me and email 🙂